Your head might explode

Picture this:

You wake up with a pounding headache in a grimy, dimly lit room.

(And no, it’s not because you went out for margaritas and bad decisions the night before).

No, my friend. It’s far worse.

As your blurry eyes adjust to the darkness, you notice a crappy, old TV flicker to life in the corner.

I’m talking so old, it looks like it came straight from your grandma’s attic. The thing still has bunny ears.

And then… it happens.

That dreaded voice. The one that’s haunted sleepovers and questionable life choices for years:

“I want to play a game.”

“Oh, sh*t…” you think.

And rightfully so.

Because on that screen, Jigsaw—the creepy puppet dude with a voice straight out of your nightmares—appears with his sadistic little grin.

But this time?

He’s not here for your kneecaps or your soul.

No, no. He’s after something much more terrifying…

Your content.

Jigsaw leans in closer, his eyes boring through the screen.

“You have one task,” he says. “Post a piece of content… every single day… for the next two years. Miss a single day… and your head? It’s kaboom. Exploded. Splat.”

Cue panic.

Now, as ridiculous as this sounds (because, you know, there’s a pretty slim chance a maniacal puppet is going to force you into content creation under threat of explosion), the principle is actually spot on.

Consistency is non-negotiable if you want to build an audience, build a habit, and get people to trust you.

Posting once in a while?

Eh, that might get you a few likes from your aunt Susan.

But if you want to be unforgettable, you’ve got to show up every day. No excuses. No slacking. No “I’ll just double up tomorrow.”

Because here’s the truth:

If you’re not posting every day, you’re missing out.

Not on Jigsaw, but on the habit-building, mind-shifting power that only comes from doing the thing day after day after day.

Posting every day isn’t just about the algorithms or getting eyeballs on your content. It’s about rewiring your brain to adopt the identity of a creator.

It’s about training yourself to be the person who shows up, even when you don’t feel like it.

Even when you think you’ve got nothing left to say.

And guess what?

The more you do it, the easier it gets. Pretty soon, it’s automatic. It’s like brushing your teeth or telling your dog he’s a good boy. You just do it.

That’s when the magic happens.

So, while Jigsaw’s head-exploding ultimatum may not be real (whew), the consequences of not being consistent in your content definitely are.

Miss a day, and your momentum? Explodes.

Your progress? Splattered.

Your potential audience? Gone.

So, adopt the mindset: “If I don’t post today, my head explodes.”

Hell, it doesn’t even matter if you’re not feeling it at all and it’s a one-word post…

But build the identity of someone who shows up consistently.

I’ve posted every single day since I started 1,484 days ago because of this mindset. And it’s what I contribute most to my progress.

I guarantee if you live by this idea for the next 2 years, you’ll open up opportunities you never thought possible.

And who knows…

Maybe by the end of the two years, your content will be so good, even Jigsaw will give you a thumbs-up.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “I Wanna Play a Game” Robertson


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