What’s behind door number 3?

You hear it every day from the online gurus…

“Build your personal brand!”

“Earn passive income by starting a dropshipping business!”

“Lather your feet in peanut butter and sell pics on OnlyFans!”

Okay, maybe not that last one (I hope).

So you have two crowds of gurus…

One crowd is telling you to just build your personal brand.

But, there’s one problem with this:

They don’t tell you how to make money with your personal brand.

Just to build it and you’ll somehow magically make money.

Typically, these gurus are the ones who’ve built a personal brand and only make money by selling you a course on how to build a personal brand.

Then you have the other crowd of gurus.

These people tell you to not waste your time growing your social media.

“Just focus on getting good at one online skill.”

But this puts you on a never-ending hamster wheel of working a glorified 14-hour/day job.

Sure, it can pay well, but it comes at a hefty price.

If you want to make more money, you have to take on more clients.

And this leaves you stuck in a stressful cycle:

Manage a few clients, have more free time, but make little money.


Manage many clients, get paid well, but have 0 free time.

So what should you do?

Are you just f%*ked?

Yes, just give up now.


There’s actually a 3rd option…

One where you can:

• Work a few hours a day from anywhere in the world

• Compound your earning potential over time

• Future-proof your career security

• Work a fulfilling career

So, what’s behind door number 3?


Oh, wait, no…

Wrong door.

Lemme show you what I’m really talking about…

What Do All The Most Profitable Creators Have In Common?

You’ve probably seen these people on social media:

• Gary V

• Dan Koe

• Iman Gadzhi

• Alex Hormozi

• Cody Sanchez

• Justin Welsch

• Grant Cardone

Each from different backgrounds, but they have 2 things in common:

• They make millions of dollars a year

• They are Full-Stack Creators

A Full-Stack creator:

  1. Builds a social media following

  2. Stacks online skills

  3. Productizes their knowledge

Becoming a Full-Stack Creator is like building a skyscraper.

Audience building is the plot of land you build everything upon.

And each skill you learn is a floor you add to your skyscraper.

The first few floors might be writing, marketing, and sales.

These floors attract visitors and are crucial components of the building.

Now here’s where it gets exciting…

As you build your skyscraper, you’ll create premium penthouses people can pay to access.

These penthouses are your productized knowledge:

• Specialized courses

• Group coaching

• Consultant calls

• Workshops

They’re not just additional floors.

They’re premium assets with a panoramic view, luxury amenities, and bespoke experiences.

Just as penthouses fetch a premium price because of their exclusivity and value, productized knowledge allows Full-Stack Creators to charge a premium for their expertise.

The beauty of these penthouses is that they’re built upon the layers below them, leveraging the foundation and structure.

In the same way, productized knowledge is most effective when built upon a strong audience base and diverse skill set.

Put simply, a Full-Stack Creator’s worth lies not just in their audience size, but in their ability to leverage various skills and package their specialized knowledge.

So why become a Full-Stack Creator instead of following other paths?

Why The Full-Stack Creator Is The Best Opportunity In 2024

The world has changed.

Back in the day, you could:

• Learn a skill

• Get a good job

• Earn a modest income

But now?

People with degrees can barely land a $50,000/year career after graduation.

Many are drowning in student loans and face stiff competition in an oversaturated job market.

And as we’ve seen with the acceleration of AI and automation, those with only a single skill are quickly being replaced.

Jobs that were once considered “safe” are now on the brink of extinction.

To survive (and thrive) in today’s digital economy, you need to become adaptable.

Enter the era of the Full-Stack Creator.

So let’s say you learn a skill, like writing.

Sure, you can land a few clients by sending mass amounts of messages to people.

But if you build an audience and create content around writing, you’re going to attract potential clients.

And the longer people follow you, the more they’re going to see you as an authority and be likely to buy from you.

Put simply, the bigger your audience, the more potential clients you’ll attract.

This means no more wasting countless hours sending mass amounts of messages.

Clients come to you.

Now, imagine if you also became skilled at marketing.

Not only would marketing help you get more interest for you service, but you could offer it as part of your service for your clients.

This would allow you to:

• Provide more value

• Attract more clients

• Make more money

Now imagine if you became skilled at sales.

Same idea.

By learning multiple skills, like writing, marketing, and sales, you multiply your earning potential.

By building an audience, you create a compounding digital asset.

Then, when you make money from those skills and grow your audience, you can productize your knowledge into a higher form of leverage.

Instead of selling a service, you can sell a group coaching program or course showing your audience how you made money with your service.

All you have to do is build out the curriculum once and you can sell it an infinite amount of times.

This is why you see most of these big names hitting these large numbers.

So, that’s all fine and dandy, but how do you take advantage of this opportunity?

How To Stack Fat Racks as a Full-Stack Creator

I’m gonna lay out the simple 4-step roadmap to becoming a Full-Stack Creator.

No degree or good looks required.

Step 1: Learn an In-Demand Online Skill

This is where it all begins.

Pick an online skill that aligns with your interests and has a high demand in the market.

Skills like:

• Ghostwriting

• Copywriting

• Graphic design

• Video editing

Are all profitable avenues.

If you need help figuring out what to skill learn, go to ChatGPT and use the following prompt:

These are my interests

• [Insert your interests]

Give me a list of 50 online skills I can learn without a degree that I can sell as a service to make money online. Only include skills that have market demand and are aligned with my interests.

You’ll have a bunch of different options to choose from.

Pick 3-5 of those options and search social media and YouTube for creators making content around those topics.

Then, check out what they’re selling by clicking the links in their bio.

Chances are, you can offer a similar service and sell it.

Once you’ve picked what you want to talk about, educate yourself on the skill from the top authorities in the field.

Start educating yourself with online courses, webinars, or free YouTube videos.

Then practice the skill every day.

Step 2: Build an Online Audience

Having a skill is great, but it’s worthless if nobody knows about it.

So, start creating content related to your skill.

This could be:

• Videos

• Blog posts

• Bite-sized tips on platforms like X or Instagram.

The key is consistency.

As your content gains traction, your audience will grow, and you’ll start being seen as an expert in your niche.

Step 3: Stack Different Skills Over Time

Once you’ve gotten proficient at one skill, acquire another complementary skill.

For example, if you started with copywriting, stacking the skill of email marketing or ghostwriting can be a game-changer.

By combining these skills, you can leverage it to land more clients and charge more money for your services.

Step 4: Productize Yourself by Creating a Group Coaching Program or Course

This is where the real leverage is.

Once you have a good grasp of multiple skills and a sizable audience, it’s time to package your knowledge.

Design a course or a coaching program where you teach others to achieve the success you have.

This not only establishes you as a thought leader in your domain but also provides you with a significant source of passive income.

I recommend starting with a group coaching program.

This way you can be hands on with the people in your program, find solutions to their struggles, and deliver amazing results for them.

Then, when you’re consistently getting great results for people in your program, package it all into a course.

You can then promote your course and earn passive income.

Now, don’t expect to become rich overnight.

You need to go into this with the right expectation.

This is going to take time.

But I promise, if you’re consistent for the next 1-3 years, you will change your life.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “Full-Stack” Robertson


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