How to stay consistent with social media

Ever start a diet with the best of intentions, only to find yourself elbow-deep in a bag of chips by day three?

Being consistent with social media is kinda like that.

But instead of chips, it's cat videos and "just one more episode" on Netflix.

We all know the drill.

You're going to post every day, become the next viral sensation, and have brands throwing free stuff at you faster than you can say "influencer."

But then, life happens...

Suddenly, it's been 3 weeks since your last post.

And the most significant impact you've made is on your snack drawer…

Now as empty and hollow as your promises to "post more tomorrow."

Inconsistency is a common trap almost everyone falls into.

And it’s why creators with:

  • High IQs

  • All the skills

  • Unlimited resources

Fail to grow their personal brand.

Meanwhile, the person in the picture below is doing 5x better than you.

Because they treat this like a multi-year marathon rather than a 1-month sprint.

So, the 1,000,000 follower question is…

How do you stay consistent with growing your personal brand?

Well, my friend, I'm about to spill the beans (and not the ones you give up on diets).

1. Batch Cook Your Content

Imagine cooking one bean at a time.

Ridiculous, right?

Well, that's what you're doing when you create content on the fly.

Instead, batch cook your content.

Whip up a feast of posts, then all you have to do is reheat and serve throughout the week.

Pick 1-2 days of the week and block off 2-4 hours

Create a week’s worth of posts

Schedule your posts with a 3rd party scheduler or the native social media app

It’s 10x easier to batch content than trying to find inspiration every day.

Your future self will thank you (probably with something nicer than beans).

2. The Buddy System

Ever notice how it's harder to bail on the gym when you know your friend will be there, judging you?

Find a social media accountability buddy.

Share your posting plans with each other, and then revel in the sweet, sweet guilt-trip powers of friendship when one of you slacks off.

3. Time Block Comments

To grow on social media, you need to be…

Social (shocking, I know).

This means commenting on other’s posts and responding to comments on your posts.

Think of engaging on social media like sticking to a well-balanced diet.

You wouldn't eat all your meals for the week in one day, right?

Here’s the best way to do this:

Apply the same logic to commenting.

Block off 30-60 minutes to "meal prep" each morning and dish out comments on other posts.

Commenting early will get the maximum amount of traffic on your comments and increase the chances of people following you.

Then, have a smaller 15-minute "dinner" window in the evening to digest and respond to the comments on your posts.

This ensures everyone will have commented on your post, making it easy to quickly respond to everyone.

And keeps your social media "diet" balanced and ensures you're fueling your growth with consistent interaction, not binge-engaging.

4. Create Systems

Systems are like proven recipes you can follow to create delicious content.

Things like:

  • Content templates

  • AI prompts to assist the writing process

  • Swipe files with viral content to get inspiration from

These will save you a TON of time.

Start saving and documenting systems that make the creation process easier

So now that you know how to stay consistent, how do you use that new-found consistency to grow your personal brand?

Well, I made a video walking you through how to grow on any social media platform starting from 0 followers.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “Stay The Course” Robertson

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