I'm not joking about this

What do dicks, depression, and dying alone all have in common?

These were some of the topics at the comedy show I went to last week.

Some of the comedians absolutely crushed and had me laughing to tears.

And some absolutely bombed.

But during one of the awkward silences when a comedian’s joke didn’t land well…

I got to thinking.

The most successful entrepreneurs I know aren’t that different than comedians.

Sure, many are funny, but that’s not what I’m talking about…

From the small comedians, to the big comedians like:

  • Bill Burr

  • Joe Rogan

  • Dave Chapelle

They all test and experiment with different jokes in small shows before headlining for bigger shows.

If the audience reacts well, they’ll keep using the joke.

If the audience doesn’t react well, they’ll rework it or disregard it completely.

But either way, the comedian doesn’t just make assumptions of what the crowd wants…

They try new stuff and get feedback from the audience.

The same is true for the most successful entrepreneurs I know.

They don’t spend months trying to create the perfect product or offer.

They talk to their audience first, get feedback to see what they want, and iterate from there.

I see so many people (myself included when I was starting out) who make assumptions of what people want…

Spend months working on it…

Only to watch it flop when it comes time to sell it.

All because they didn’t take the time to talk to the people they were trying to sell to.

So the next you think of selling a service or product?

Research the people you’re trying to help.

Talk to them in the DMs.

Hop on calls with them.

See what they’re saying on forums.

Find what their pain points, desires, and lifestyles are like.

This will give you the necessary information needed to craft something that’s truly useful to them.

Until next time.

Have a kickass day.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “Lol” Robertson

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