I'm in the middle of nowhere...

“You need something to get you out of bed in the morning.”

I’ve heard this statement for many years, but never felt the weight of it…

Until I realized it was the reason I’ve struggled to get out of bed in the morning for the past year.

When the annoying sound of my alarm would go off…

My eyelids felt like they had 50lb weights attached to them.

The warm blankets were like a tight hug from a close friend I hadn’t seen in years.

The cold morning air felt like cold shower.

But for the first 3 years of my entrepreneurship journey?

I was like SpongeBob SquarePants waking up at 5:30am excited to start my shift at the Krusty Krab.

Somewhere along the journey that excitement started to fade.

At the start, it was simple…

Create content.

Then I started my ghostwriting business and grew other people’s accounts.

Still fun.

Then I added more things into the mix:

  • More clients

  • Starting a coaching program

  • Investing in more coaches to learn from

  • Creating content for LinkedIn, Instagram, Threads, and YouTube

Because I looked at everyone on social media doing so “well”.

$100K months.

$500K months.

Hell, even $1,000,000 months.

I saw it so often that I changed my measurement of success from:

Building a high-paying creative business I loved.


Scaling a business to make as much money as possible.

As a result?

I abused caffeine, nicotine, and Adderall to work my face off.

My habits of working out, reading, eating clean, and meditating fell off.

I wasn’t excited to get out of bed because I associated work with stress.

  • Endless messages

  • Always behind on work

  • No light at the end of the tunnel

It recently got to the point where I was on the brink of burn out.

I knew I had to recalibrate.

So, I paid for a secluded AirBnb on the lake to spend some time alone and get away for the past few days.

I limited my social media, took a break from all messages, focused on my good habits, and got clear on which direction I want to take things.

It felt like I hit the reset button.

I made the decision to do fewer things at higher quality rather than constantly adding more to the mix.

Fewer coaches, but more focus on taking action from the ones I have.

Less content, but more focus on quality.

And my favorite…

Working on a new offer I’m passionate about (more details about this will be revealed soon).

For the first time in a while, I’m waking up early with excitement to start the day.

Now, I wrote this email because I want you to avoid the trap I fell into.

You see everyone on social media flaunting their success.

And it’s easy to compare yourself and compensate by trying to “keep up”.

But the thing people don’t share on social media is the stress it can bring.

Yes, you can make a shit ton of money and have little stress.

However, to get to that point, it can take longer than you expect.

Sometimes you need to go slow, compound skills, and realign with your purpose before you can go fast.

Have a kickass day.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “Wake Up” Robertson

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