How to stop procrastinating.

Picture this:

You’re at life’s big game, right?

The stadium’s packed, the clock’s ticking, and there you are…

Ass glued to the bleachers, clutching a soggy 9 inch hot dog, watching everyone else play.

You’ve got dreams, sure, stashed in your mental attic like old Pokémon cards you swear you’ll sell someday.

But “someday” is a ghost.

And you’re still there, spectating your own existence.

Welcome to the club of the Sideline Sitters.

Population: too fucking many.

These are the people who don’t take action. Not because they can’t, but because they’re scared shitless of dropping the ball.

Failure’s the boogeyman under their bed, and instead of grabbing a bat and swinging, they just pull the covers tighter.

They’re living a life so quiet it’s practically on mute, drowning in desperation they don’t even name.

And let’s be real…it’s not living, it’s just not dying yet.

The Cozy Cage of the Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone has all the amenities:

  • Netflix on loop.

  • A fridge stocked with regret-flavored beer.

  • A couch that’s molded to your ass like a custom coffin.

It’s basically a prison cell with Wi-Fi.

You tell yourself, “Hey, it’s not that bad,” as if “not that bad” is the gold standard for a life worth living.

You’re waiting for the “perfect moment” to make a move.

Fear’s got you by the throat, whispering, “What if you fuck up? What if everyone laughs? What if you’re found out?”

So you stay put, letting their potential rot like a forgotten zucchini in the back of the fridge.

Your Crazy Ex You Keep Texting Back

Fear’s your clingy ex people can’t block.

It’s 2 a.m., buzzing their phone with, “You’re gonna fail, bb, xoxo heheh.”

And they’re dumb enough to reply, “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s cuddle.”


Just a ghost story their brain spins to keep them from stepping into the ring.

But they buy it.

Every time.

Because effort? Effort’s the real monster to them.

  • Effort means trying.

  • Trying means risk.

  • Risk means potential for failure.

“bETtER tO bE SAfe tHaN sORRy!!!” they tell themselves.

Huge fucking cope.

When they dodge pain by not acting, they’re just trading it for something worse.

The slow bleed of regret.

The kind that creeps up at 3 a.m., whispering, “You could’ve been somebody,” while you stare at the ceiling, wondering where your balls went.

It’s a life sentence with no parole, and they’re the one who locked the door.

Let’s Get Morbid For a Minute

2 years ago, when I took copious amounts of psychedelics, I experienced a powerful reframe on life.

I saw my 90-something-year-old self on his death bed.

That version of me had lived his whole life and was looking back on all the memories made along the way.

Experiencing life through the eyes of my dying-self gave me clarity.

All the fears and insecurities melted away.

I realized that using those fears as an excuse to not live up to my potential was the truly terrifying thing.

So next time you find yourself too scared to take action?

Visualize the wrinkly, saggy, ancient version of you on your death bed. Imagine them looking down on you right now.

What would they tell you?

When you view life through this lens, I promise, it all becomes clear.

Yeah, you might flop.

Hell, you probably will.

But failure ain’t the end. It’s just the universe going, “Wrong turn, dipshit, try again.”

  • Make that call.

  • Send that email.

  • Scribble that first line.

Get off the damn couch and move.

You don’t need a perfect plan, just a “good enough” one and the guts to start before you’re ready.

So, what’s it gonna be?

Another year of “someday,” jerking off to hypotheticals…

On the year you grab life by the throat and make it scream your name?

You’re not a spectator…you’re the fucking player.

Trip over your own feet if you have to, just get in the damn arena.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “JUST DO IT” Robertson


If you wanna stop sitting on the sidelines eating 9 inch hot dogs…

And actually build an online business…

One that gives you the freedom to travel where you want, work when you want, and do creative work that’s enjoyable…

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