How To Land High-Paying Clients (Without Spamming Cold DMs)

I’m gonna show you the 3-step framework I use to land $5,000-$7,200 clients on social media without sending DMs.

And this is a framework that people like Alex Hormozi, Grant Cordone, Gary V, and Dan Koe all use to land clients who pay them thousands of dollars for their products and services.

But you don’t have to have a big social media following to use this framework.

This works whether you have 1,000 followers or you have tens of thousands of followers.

The principles are the same and work for any social media platform.

This 3-step framework is what I’ve used to help creators hit $10,000, $50,000, and even $91,000 months.

So if you’ve got a monetizable skill and you’re ready to scale your business, this framework will work for you.

And the best part:

You won’t be doing what everyone else does to land clients. You’ll stand out.

Because most people just blindly follow the advice of typical online gurus.

They say “just send 169 messages a day to potential clients, bro”.

But the result?

A couple of responses that rarely convert into high-paying clients.

Because here’s the harsh truth the gurus don’t tell you about sending mass amounts of templated messages to get clients:

You’re stuck on a never ending hamster wheel.

Because for every client you get from spamming ‘cookie-cutter’ DMs and emails…you probably have to send over 100 messages.

And if no one knows who you are, that number is probably going to be way higher.

Now here’s the real problem:

If you want to get more clients (or if you lose a client…which WILL happen…and happens more frequently than most like to admit)...

You’re back to spamming messages, which wastes time, isn’t scalable, and ultimately leads to burnout.

And that’s because when you send cold DMs to land clients you’re competing with at least dozens, and probably hundreds (or even thousands) of other people in their inbox…

All competing for their attention.

So sure, if you send hundreds or thousands of messages, you might get a client (if you can fight through that uphill battle).

But there’s a much more scalable way to reliably land high paying clients where:

• Clients seek YOU out

• You can charge PREMIUM prices

• You can save 100s of hours of time

And with this framework I’m about to show you, the more you do it, the more it compounds… 

Which means, over time, you’ll land more clients while doing LESS work.

So, to really grasp this 3-step framework, imagine you’re on an island in the middle of nowhere.

(Forget the postcard fantasy…no coconut cocktails, sun tanning sessions, or rubbing suntan lotion on the backs of European supermodels.)

You’re alone, starving, and if you don’t eat soon, you’re going to die.

But, lucky for you, two items wash ashore - a net and a fishing rod. 

So you’ve got two options…

A) Swim around with net trying to catch some fish

B) Use the fishing rod to cast a line in the ocean

Which do you think would work better?

I use this example because most people are starving for clients.

And just like trying to use a net in a vast ocean to catch fish, people keep blasting mass DMs and praying to get a client.

So sure, you might catch something, but it’s mostly by chance and you’ll waste a ton of time an energy in the process.

So here’s a better way, that’s exactly like using the fishing rod:

You’ll attract exactly the right type of fish you’re looking for…making your efforts more efficient and more rewarding.

What I’m referring to is creating content to attract clients. 

But it’s not just any content (like random memes, motivational quotes, and dorky dance videos)...


I’m talking about magnetic content.

This type of content attracts high quality followers and clients that come to you.

So think of your content as your ‘fishing rod’ and the type of content you create as the bait.

The bait determines what type of fish (aka, clients and followers) you will attract.

So when you create ‘magnetic content’, you’re building a compounding asset.

The more content you create, the more you’ll grow your following.

And the more you grow your following, the more clients you’ll attract.

Which means you can create one piece of content, and thousands of people will see it…without you even spending any money on ads or ‘distribution’.

If you do this long enough, you’ll have clients hitting you up to work with you all the time because they’ve come to know, like, and trust you.

But only if you create the right type of content…the right ‘bait’. 

So let’s talk about… 

The 3 Steps To Creating Magnetic Content That Gets High-Paying Clients On Social Media:

1. Find the right bait

The content that works the best for getting clients on social media comes down to one thing:

How relevant is the content to your target audience?

Because whether consciously or subconsciously, people are always asking “What’s in it for me?”

So how do you create content that’s relevant to your target audience?

Help them fulfill a desire or solve a major pain point.

2. Create the content in an engaging way

The key here is showing your personality while also demonstrating your expertise.

A great way to do this is by using a real case study showing the transformation of someone you helped.

In summary, pick a problem, list out the steps you took to solve it, and then answer for each step:

• WHAT the idea/step/concept is.

• WHY it’s relevant to your audience.

• HOW they can apply it right now.

And it’s that simple.

3. Use clear and simple calls to action

Once you’ve delivered magnetic content and attracted your ideal ‘bait’ still have to reel them in.

Otherwise, it’s like having them on your hook and letting them get away.

But you just need to answer one simple question:

What action should the audience take after consuming your content?

Here’s a quick 3-step process I use to generate consistent high-quality leads:

1. Identify a demographic and give a value proposition

2. Prompt them to take an action

3. Give them the link, website, or resource

Here’s what it looks like when you put these 3 steps together:

If you’re a coach, freelancer, or offer owner looking to:

• Get more inbound leads

• Become the authority in your niche

• Hit your highest-paying months ever

I’m launching my new community, Full Stack Creator, on October 1st.

I’ll show you my plug-and-play system that grew my brand to 500K+ followers on social media and helped me hit $100K+ months.

Your Canadian friend, 

Dakota “Fisherman” Robertson


or to participate.