Elon Musk's Best Kept Secret...

Things are about to change.

Over 250,000 followers

Consistent $100,000 months.

Dozens of multi-millionaire friends.

These are some of the benefits I’ve gotten just from the social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter).

And with Elon Musk taking over Twitter, it’s now the newest and best opportunity to make money on social media.

But with the masses focused on Trump or whatever else is going on in the news, they’ve missed Elon talking about his master plan for X.

But there are a few paying attention.

And the smart people are taking advantage of it right now before the secret gets out.

So in this email, I’m going to show you exactly how you can grow a following of 10,000 followers on Twitter (or X) in the next 6-12 months and make money from your personal brand as quickly as possible.

But First, Why Grow On X?

Well, there are 5 huge benefits:

Benefit 1)

Elon Musk, says he wants to transform X from a social media app into the “everything app” like China’s WeChat that has over 1.2 billion users.

And if you don’t think one of the richest guys on the planet who who launches rocket ships to Mars, creates brain microchips, and digs underground car tunnels can’t build the biggest media platforms in the world…

You are smoking crack.

For context, Instagram and YouTube have well over 2 billion monthly active users.

Right now, X has over 541 million monthly active users.

In May 2022, X had 229 million monthly active users.

That’s over a 100% increase in 1 year.

And I predict the growth of X in the next 4 years is going to hit well over 2 billion people.

Which means, right now there’s far less competition to grow, and those who do build their brand will get a ton more exposure when the influx of new people join the social media platform.

Benefit 2)

X is one of the few social media platforms right now that pays you to create content.

So within 3 days of signing up for X ad revenue share and posting content, I made $329.

So as you grow your social media following, you’re going to get paid passive income.

Benefit 3)

to grow a following on X is because it’s super easy to create content.

You can create a post within 30 seconds and have it potentially go viral. So the effort to reward ratio on X is unmatched.

Which leads to the next benefit…

Benefit 4)

Since you can post a ton of content quickly, you can test which ideas resonate with your audience by seeing which get the most likes and impressions.

Then you can take the validated pieces of content and repurpose them into Instagram posts, LinkedIn posts, short form videos, and newsletters.

I’ve grown my Instagram to over 220,000 followers and LinkedIn to 35,000 followers simply by repurposing my posts from X.

Benefit 5)

The people on X are simply smarter compared to other platforms.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s a heavily based text platform that attracts smart people, but the IQ level on there is much higher than something like TikTok.

So not only are you going to learn more because of the quality of information, but you’re going to make friends with smart people who can help grow your business.

So that’s all fine and dandy, but how do you actually grow on X?

And how can you grow to 10,000 followers in the next 6-12 months?

Well, after growing my own following from 0 to 250,000 followers and ghostwriting for some of the biggest personal brands on the platform, I have created an easy 7 step plan for you to follow.

This is what I charge my clients thousands of dollars for, but you’re going to get it for free in the next 3 minutes:

Step 1) Figure Out Your Content Pillars

So first, you need to figure out what you want to talk about on X.

And there’s 3 categories you want your content to touch on.

And I call it the GAP framework.

So the G stands stands for Growth Content, the A stands for Authority Content, and the P stands for Personal Content.

Growth content

Growth content is designed to get people familiar with you.

So growth content is anything that relates to trending topics and well-known figures you can tie back to your brand.

So if I was a writer and making writing content, I might make a thread on how to use ChatGPT or make a post about Stephen King’s top writing rules.

These are the types of content that gets clicks and gets people familiar with your brand.

Authority content

So the number 1 mistake people make with growing on social media is only creating fluffy content that sounds like it came from a fortune cookie.

Because humans act in their self interest, we are more prone to follow accounts that solve our pain points or move us closer to a desired outcome.

And even if you do manage to grow an account based off fluffy motivational content, you’re going to struggle to making money from products or services which is where you make the real money on social media.

So, I want you to grab a pen and paper and list out topics you’re interested in.

It could be fitness, writing, business.

You don’t have to be good at them, just list out your interests.

Now, from those interests, pick 1 that if you were to learn and provide a service or product to other people teaching what you knew, had the potential to either:

1) Make other people money

2) Improve other people’s health

3) Improve their dating life

There will always be a market for health, wealth, and relationships so it’ll make it easier for you to grow on social media and easier to make money on social media.

And remember, you don’t need to be an expert to post on social media.

This is the biggest thing holding people back from starting.

The best mindset you can have going into it is that you’re just documenting your journey.

You’re building in public and teaching people a few steps behind you.

When you adopt this frame, you’re not pretending to be someone you’re not and you’ll eliminate a ton of imposter syndrome.

Personal content

If people only wanted information, they’d Google it.

Personal content is how you separate yourself from everyone else on social media because that’s the one thing that can’t be copied.

So, you want to share:

  • Your story

  • Your failures

  • Your transformations

  • Your uncensored opinions

This will always spark a unique idea or thought you can turn into content.

So, make sure to create personal content because this is what’s going to create die-hard fans.

Because when people relate to you, they connect on an emotional level.

And emotion will always influence people more than logic.

Step 2) Create Your Profile

Your profile will drastically affect the amount of followers and sales you get, so you want to optimize it.

Your profile is broken up into 5 parts.

  1. Profile photo

  2. Bio

  3. Banner

  4. Username

  5. Pinned post

Profile Photo

People are attracted to faces and you’ll be more identifiable on the timeline when it’s a quality head shot of you.

Use an iPhone or DSLR camera to take a photo of you. And if you don’t have one, ask a friend or hire a photographer.

These are examples of solid pictures.


The bio should focus on the benefit to the reader.

Think “why should they care.”

The first line of your bio should give people an idea of what your account is about.

You can keep it simple like “Posts on x, y, and z.”

The second part of your bio should either be something that shows you’re an authority about what you’re talking about.

Or if you’re new, you can talk about how you’re documenting your journey on your way to some big goal.

So if I was just starting out, I could say “Posts on writing, business, and content creation. Sharing insights on my to building a $10K a month personal brand.”


Your banner can be anything really. Just think of it as the wallpaper of your brand. All it has to do is match the vibe you’re going for.

(Shoutout to Jas for the amazing banner).


For your username, you want it to be easy to spell and uncomplicated so it’s easy to remember and look up.

Avoid putting numbers and underscores, you’re better than that.

Pinned Post

If you wanna optimize for followers, make a long form story post that talks about a specific transformation you went through, like “How I lost 107lb and went from fat to fit.”

Or if you wanna optimize for sales, make a long form post showing a case study of one of your clients or yourself.

Step 3) Dedicate 1-2 hours a Day to Learning

Creating content is like cooking a delicious meal. If you want to make something truly unique and flavorful, you need a variety of ingredients.

So, to create interesting content, you need to constantly educate yourself.

Block out an hour or two every day to read, listen to podcasts, or consume courses.

Then store your notes on something like Notion or Google docs and refer back to it whenever you need content ideas.

Step 4: Post Regularly

Now that you know what you want to talk about on social media and got your profile set up, you need to post regularly.

If you want to grow on X, you need to post consistently 1 to 5 times a day.

This is going to prioritize you in the algorithm and get people familiar with you.

At first nobody is going to see your stuff, and that’s okay.

You just wanna think of your social media as your digital resume.

When someone goes to your profile and scans your content, it’s going to convert them.

So with your social media posts, follow the GAP framework I talked about in step 1.

1 growth post.

1 authority post.

1 personal post.

Per day.

And the easiest way to churn out a ton of content is to follow a framework I created called the What, Why, How Framework.

So state what your idea is, why someone should care, and how they can apply it in their own life.

And if you listen to all the tips I’ve given so far in this email, it follows this framework.

Super meta example, I know.

Step 5: Create 1-3 long-form posts a week

Posting 1-5 regular posts a day will grow your X account, but to supercharge your growth, you want to create long form authority and story posts.

These types of posts convert the best for followers and sales because you’re going more in-depth on a topic, which builds more trust than a one off post.

And all long-form posts are is a collection of steps on how to reach a desired outcome or solve a pain point.

So if I was a fitness account, I could make a long form post on “How to lose 5 pounds in the next 30 days.” then follow up with actionable steps.

Step 1) Walk 10K steps daily

Step 2) Drink 3L of water

Step 3) Lift weights 3x a day for 30 minutes

And for each step you can use the What, Why, How framework to simplify everything.

Step 6) Create Your Top 100

From 0 to 5000 followers, this is going to be the best way to grow your account.

So you’re gonna be like Santa Claus and make a list 100 people.

And these 100 people are going to be those who have the audience you want to have.

Now what you’re gonna wanna do is click the “Lists” button on the left side of your screen when you’re logged onto the X app.

Then, create a new private list and add all those people to it. This will organize it in a centralized hub where it’ll make it easy to engage.

Now that you have your list, you’re going to comment 25 times a day on those people’s posts.

This will have 2 benefits:

1) Over time, many of those accounts will follow you.

And this will get you a ton more follower conversion because when bigger accounts follow you, it gives your account credibility.

Because when someone goes to your account, they’ll see “Oh 10, 50, or however many people I follow, follow this person. I’m gonna follow them too.”

And the 2nd benefit is increased exposure.

So when you leave comments on bigger accounts, their followers will see it and some of them will check out your profile.

And if you have a solid profile set up and good content, these people will follow you too.

But it’s crucial that you don’t leave stupid comments like dropping a fire emoji and simply say “I agree”

Expand on what the original post says.

Add your own opinion and experience to what the person is saying.

This makes you stand out and attracts quality followers.

Step 7) Create a Network

So we need to remember why these social media platforms exist.


But social media is free, so how do they make money?


Which means, the longer these social media platforms like X can keep you on, the more ads they can show you and the more money they’ll make.

So, if the algorithm sees people are engaging with your stuff, it’s telling it you’re good at keeping people on the platform and it’s going to push your content to more people.

So it’s crucial you make friends on the platform.

Comment on people’s accounts you vibe with, once you’re friendly in the comments, reach out and form a relationship in the DMs.

The more you interact with other people, the more you’re going to signal to the algorithm, “Hey, these people know each other, let’s push the content to them more.”

And not only is this going to show your stuff more in their social media feed, but you’re going to create valuable friends you can grow with and potentially do business with.

If you really want to accelerate your growth, you can create group with 5-10 other creator friends and exchange engagement.

So as each of you grow, you’ll push each other’s content to larger audiences that compound over time.

So, make it a habit to reach out to 1 to 3 people a day on the platform.

Now, if you’re consistent with these 7 tips over the next 6-12 months, I guarantee you’re going to have at least 10,000 followers and set up nicely for when X becomes the next big social media platform.

Your Canadian friend,

Dakota “I Love X, But Not My Ex” Robertson


Click here if you want to see a case study of how I helped Taylin Simmonds go from $42,000 a year to hitting $70,000 months from my program.


or to participate.